Building Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships

No one has an exact answer for what love truly means. We have a handful of philosophers and song-writers whom allude to it, however we all have different forms of love.
It is all about supporting one another, sticking throughout those tough moments, and cherishing each other’s flaws. Sharing similar goals and core values in life, and more importantly being their biggest cheerleader.
Having full-disclosure and being honest, even when it’s tough. Striving to become the best you can, independently while still knowing you will have a rock to fall on, if you fail a couple times. Knowing that adventure and that desire and passion to live alongside one another, will never cease, and will only grow.
That to me, is love.
You can have this bond with your best friend, sibling and your significant other. Anyone, love is everywhere you chose to look for it.
With friends, you must keep constant communication lines, and always bring out the best in one another. Never leave space for misinterpretations, because that always leads to a falling out.
With siblings, you quite honestly don’t have a choice, you are bound by blood. No matter how horrible you are to them one day, they will always love you no matter what. They will always support and protect you, even if you were a b*tch.
With a significant other, you have to know that you as a separate individual should grow and never stop. A lot of times, people forget to better themselves, because they allow themselves to get lazy and too comfortable to allow such growth to bloom. We also have enough confidence in that other person as well as in ourselves, to trust with all our hearts that they will not break.
He or she may never complete you, but that is perfectly fine, you are suppose to complete yourself. We should never fully rely on one person to be the master of our happiness, if you can’t be happy alone, you will never fully be happy.
Relationships are all about learning how to be better humans, more compassionate and more loving towards others.
If we are unable to accept, love, support and honor these people in our lives unconditionally, we might as well not love at all.
